Sunday, September 16, 2007

um, yeah

So some Australian webhosting company is holding my domain name hostage. That's pretty gay. I guess I should have done something about it sooner, but I was sort of over the whole thing anyway, and I really doubt many people were still reading it anyway, as posting had gotten rather sparse.

So, I'll try something else. I've been trying lots of new things, and rediscovering some old things too, like especially how satisfying my road bike can be. I've been getting in quite a few miles lately, about 100 this weekend, for instance. 65ish on Saturday, 35ish today, if you must know.

I finally figured out when the group rides go out, and I've met up with some interesting n00bs who are foolish enough to listen to my endless prattle about pacelines and seat height and other cycling minutae. I'm mostly riding with the slower groups, rather than the racers, but I've done a couple of rides with them, too, at least until I got dropped when the pace/effort got too high.

I'm feeling surprisingly strong, considering the hell I've gone through health-wise, and I'm able to go a lot faster than I would have thought possible even a month ago. Fast equals fun, for me, so that's pretty great. I don't recover as quickly as I used to, but that's not surprising, and I think it will get better as I get stronger. I'm pretty clear on what my limits are (24-25 mph in a pack on the flats for a little while is good, but I don't have 26-27 in me at this point.) I really just want to work on endurance and speed.

Living in St. Pete is nice because there are a lot of group rides and a lot of cyclists over here. There has definitely been a bike boom, and there were upwards of 100-120 riders waiting for the various groups to start off Saturday morning- pretty wild. There was a guy this morning in a hand-cycle who stayed with the second group- he was wearing a National Team jersey, and something tells me he wasn't wearing it for looks, because he stayed at the front, just using his arms. Crazy. The riders here are a little bit saner regarding stoplights and signs than the riders in Tampa a few years ago.

A big reason I'm enjoying my road bike is that I'm with people a lot closer to my own age, which is a bit weird, but at the same time good. I have to grow up sometime, I guess now's as good a time as any. I'll still ride the BMX from time to time, and I'll head over for Baco next month, and the rest of the local comps, but it really was well past time for me to find some kids my own age to play with. Still, I need to check out the public park on MLK street, and I still look for spots to hit up on street.

I really have very little desire to go to Tampa anymore. I miss the dudes, but I don't miss the drive in the slightest.

Anyway, I'll keep working on this nonsense later, I need to accomplish some stuff, like laundry, for instance.

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